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Quick Start

GitBoosted is designed to be used in conjunction with GitHub to provide powerful tooling alongside teams code repositories and existing workflows.

This means that all you need to get started is a GitHub account.

Sign Up and Login

To get started head to GitBoosted App where you will immediately be prompted to Continue with GitHub.

By selecting this option we will ask to authenticate with you via GitHub. Find out more about our usage and privacy.

Installing the App

To make the most of your GitHub toolchain we have built a GitHub app that requires install. You can do this by selecting Create New Workspace.

From here, you will be redirected to GitHub to install the app.


The GitBoosted App can be installed in both Organizations and Personal accounts although it's best suited for collaboration as an Organization.

Once you've installed the app you're ready to get started with the specific GitBoosted products.

Usage and Privacy

Don't forget to check out our usage and privacy section on how we use the granted access and how we do (and don't) use your data.

Privacy is one of the most important parts of the GitBoosted platform.